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We have a variety of arcade machines that we produce. Firstly tell me what type of machine you need help with:
How do I turn on the machine
To turn on one of our arcade machines simply plug it into a regular 3 pin socket and turn it on. The machine will automatically start. It takes around 2 - 3 minutes to be ready to play.
How do I turn the machine off
Turning off your machine is just as simple as turning it on! Turn it off at the plug when ever you are finished with your game. There is nothing in the machine that needs to be shut down like a PC and turning it off at the mains will do it no harm.
How do I adjust the game volume
Changing the volume on your machine is a little trickier on this machine. It can only be adjusted via the game board's settings menu. To do this complete the following instructions:
While your machine is turned OFF, hold the player 1 start button and then turn the machine on.
You can stop pressing the button when you see the screen fill with text
Press player 1 start button to page through the various settings pages until you get to the volume select page (Tip: slow down when the game name have (2) at the end of them, as you cannot go back a page if you go passed it, so would need to repeat the above steps).
Adjust the volume to your desired level with the joystick. When you are happy press player 2 start button to save the settings.
Turn the machine off and back on at the mains to restart as normal.
This volume level will be remembered by the machine each time you now turn it on.
How to a select a game to play
When the machine is fully loaded you will see 6 squares with various games on each. To open up the menu press the player 1 start button. You will now be able to select any game by using the joystick. There are 10 pages of games for this machine to look through.
To preview a game (see what it looks like), press the A button (nearest the joystick). Press A again to exit the preview.
To play the game press the player 1 start button and the game will begin.
How do I play a game in 2 player mode
To play a game in 2 player mode (where available), follow the instructions above and simply press the player 2 start button to start the game instead. 2 player mode on this machine means that player 1 will play first and when they lose a life the screen will be flipped over and player 2 can play. The play will alternate until all lives have been lost and the machine will return you back to the main menu.
How do I exit a game
This machine will return you to the main menu once you have lost all of your lives in the game you have selected. You cannot return to the menu manually on this machine.
Are the game high scores saved
High scores are saved onto the machine, however when the power to the machine is turned off those scores are lost. Just like in the original machines!